December 2011:
Oh Lord, help us not to take council with the wicked and follow in their path which leads to sin. But remind us to pray for those who refuse to hear the teaching of Christ Jesus.


August 2011:
Oh Lord, help us to look unto one another as you would have us to do, with out Lust in our heart and perverse thoughts in our mind, keep us safe from the temptation of the flesh as you deliver us from evil.


August 2011:
Oh Lord, help us to understand the purpose of giving, from what we are able to give, of our money and of our time, to your Church; So that your word may be spread to the world, and to help those who are in need; And Lord let us receive joy in giving to you, and help us to resist the greed of hoarding our time and what we have earned, from your grace that grants us the ability to work, and to have rest.